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Get the facts on longer run-times, faster charging, and reduced maintenance of lithium-ion batteries in comparison to lead acid.
Lithium-ion technology reduces the safety concerns that come with lead acid batteries. Eliminate the threat of acid spills, high charging temperatures, and explosive gas build-up. Plus, you’ll avoid water maintenance, too.
Lithium-ion delivers higher power for longer durations than lead acid. The slow discharge rate helps power your equipment, even when the charge level is low.
Lithium-ion power systems are the more sustainable and environmentally-friendly choice. Lithium-ion is 30% to 50% more energy efficient than lead acid, allowing your equipment to accomplish more with every charge.
Flux Power has more than 11,000 lithium-ion battery packs powering equipment in the field. Plus, Flux Power’s Battery Management System is UL Listed. What’s more? Our extensive dealer, distributor, and equipment manufacturer relationships allow us to provide power solutions for material handling fleets.
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